Facebook and the Death of Organic Reach If you are a real estate professional that operates a business page on Facebook, please note the following changes: Organic reach is dead. I repeat -- ORGANIC REACH IS DEAD! What Is Organic Continue Reading
Recent Updates from Facebook: News Feed
Recently Facebook announced a change to the News Feed ranking for business pages. This is in an attempt to display more of what people enjoy, and to promote things in the News Feed that are more likely to receive audience engagement. Facebook Continue Reading
#Awful@Twitter? 3 Ways to Become an Expert
Recently Katie Lance of Katlie Lance Consulting held a webinar to discuss how to use Twitter for real estate. The webinar, "#Awful @Twitter, Please help me" covers the fundamentals like creating a profile, using hashtags and understanding Twitter Continue Reading
Katie Lance: Technology is not a Replacement
With a growing amount of Realtors utilizing social media to reach a broader audience, Katie Lance of Katie Lance Consulting encourages real estate professionals to "remember the basics" when building customer relationships. She recently spoke at the Continue Reading
Our Commitment to Stellar Service
We are a passionate about staying invested in our local communities. With the rapid change of communication avenues, we are having to employ more methods than ever to reach potential buyers and sellers. Direct mail marketing, blogging, social Continue Reading