Proof a Fish is Smarter Than Your Audience Ok -- maybe the perfect word isn't "smarter," but either way you put it, the mental capacity of today's consumer has devolved. Why the misanthropy you ask? According to the National Center for Continue Reading
How to Write Successful Real Estate Headlines for Increased Sales
How to Write Successful Real Estate Headlines for Increased Sales Email marketing continues to produce staggering results. According to trusted sources like the Direct Marketing Association, effective email marketing produces a 4300% return on Continue Reading
16 Blogging Mistakes Realtors Can Avoid to Improve SEO
16 BLOGGING MISTAKES REALTORS CAN AVOID TO IMPROVE SEO You're on the shopping cart, in the mailbox, in an email blast, or maybe on a Facebook update -- but are you in someone's conversation? Has your story resonated in such a way that people Continue Reading
Google Update | HTTPS To Boost Your Real Estate Website
GOOGLE UPDATE WILL BOOST WEBSITES THAT USE HTTPS Interested in improving your real estate website? Google just announced that sites which use the HTTPS encryption will receive a ranking boost. HTTPS provides an overall safer user experience, and Continue Reading
Help! I’m a Real Estate Agent Who Can’t Write!
Help! I'm a Real Estate Agent Who Can't Write! We've all been there before-- that awkward moment where suddenly, you're in the middle of some staring contest with a blank sheet of paper. Perspiration forms as your mind wanders, but the expended Continue Reading
Real Estate Marketing: Is Facebook Manipulating Your Mind?
Facebook recently revealed that it conducted a private experiment of nearly 600,000 users without their consent. The head researcher of this project publicly apologized on Sunday, suggesting that the psychological study was nothing short of "mind Continue Reading
How to Manage a Real Estate Business Page on Facebook
Facebook and the Death of Organic Reach If you are a real estate professional that operates a business page on Facebook, please note the following changes: Organic reach is dead. I repeat -- ORGANIC REACH IS DEAD! What Is Organic Continue Reading
Panda & Payday Loan Updates to Bring Big Loss or Big Gain
Google recently announced that it made updates to the Payday Loan and Panda algorithms. The Payday Loan 2.0 update rolled out over the weekend and claims to be totally unrelated to Panda. This algorithm targets "very spammy queries" which are usually Continue Reading
Real Estate Technology: Beginner’s Guide to Google+
Despite its growing popularity, Google+ can be daunting to the newcomer. It is unlike Facebook, Twitter, or Linked-in, but has many great features that set it apart in a good way. When I first got started on Google+ I was totally confused and Continue Reading
The Link Between Food, Sex and Content Creation
Content is King" means valuable, informative content is an integral part of any social media campaign. Want to be more influential and captivate your viewer's attention? Then ask yourself: Have you identified your audience, are you communicating Continue Reading