Recently Katie Lance of Katlie Lance Consulting held a webinar to discuss how to use Twitter for real estate. The webinar, “#Awful @Twitter, Please help me” covers the fundamentals like creating a profile, using hashtags and understanding Twitter lingo. It also offers advice on things to do and avoid. Katie begins by defining and describing the unique characteristics of Twitter versus other social networks:
1- Using Twitter is an “Interest Network” — Twitter is a great way to connect with people who share common interests that you may or may not know. It has an open platform that gives you the ability to meet and develop relationships with specific individuals based upon shared ideas, interests, hobbies,activities, etc.
2- Twitter is the shortest distance between you and your interests– When you use Twitter, you are able to expand your audience beyond the people you know because Twitter has a public platform that is open to anyone.
3- Great source of information and knowledge– Many times breaking news happens on Twitter before other big news sources like CNN, Huffington Post, etc. This is because things are in real time and most of us are armed with social devices such as smart phones.
4- Live– People on Twitter are in the moment, experiencing real life circumstances as they are posting content. This network moves very fast and when you go on Twitter you usually look to see what has happened within the last few minutes.
5- Public– You are putting information out there that is open for everyone to see. This can be a real benefit when used correctly.
6- Conversation 1 to 1
7- Conversation 1 to many
Although it is often times compared to Facebook, Twitter is much different. It moves so much faster than Facebook. Facebook is a great way to connect with your friends and family. On the other hand, Twitter is a good way to expand your network beyond people you know. Expanding your sphere through social media could be an extra transaction a month, and Twitter is a great way to see that it happens.
Create a List– On Twitter you can connect with clients and be intentional. Yet there is so much activity that sometimes it is hard to keep up with everyones activity. One way to keep track is by making lists. You can create private lists and select specific people in the list you want to follow. When you select that list, only the activity of the people in that list will appear. This is one great way to ensure you are actively engaged, up-to date, and that no “tweet is left behind” when it comes to the activities of prospective clients or customers you want to stay in contact with. This is also a good way to connect with clients and get to know them on a platform they are interested in.
Create a News List– Create a list of different news sources about things you enjoy reading. You can retweet information to your audience and stay up-to-date on topics that are interesting to you. This is also a great way to curate relevant, recent and interesting content.
Based on Interest– Have a list based upon your hobbies. Connect with people who have similar interests. Many Realtors have gotten business because they are not just talking about real estate but are connecting with others through interesting subjects. When you begin to make connections with people, they will go to your profile and find out who you are. Eventually people will ask what you do, but let that conversation arise naturally.
1- Engagement- Connect and converse with people you don’t know.
2- Amplify message– Because Twitter is public, you can meet and reach more people than you could on a private network like Facebook.
3- Genuine– Authentic conversations can take place in real time. When these conversations happen over common interests, it is a great way to build relationships.
In the second half of the webinar Katie Lance goes on to discuss: What it means to be awful at Twitter, How to get Started, Things Not to Do in Twitter, Hashtags and much more. Check in next week for the remaining information or click here to see the entire video.
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