Google recently announced that it made updates to the Payday Loan and Panda algorithms. The Payday Loan 2.0 update rolled out over the weekend and claims to be totally unrelated to Panda. This algorithm targets "very spammy queries" which are usually Continue Reading
Real Estate Technology: Beginner’s Guide to Google+
Despite its growing popularity, Google+ can be daunting to the newcomer. It is unlike Facebook, Twitter, or Linked-in, but has many great features that set it apart in a good way. When I first got started on Google+ I was totally confused and Continue Reading
The Link Between Food, Sex and Content Creation
Content is King" means valuable, informative content is an integral part of any social media campaign. Want to be more influential and captivate your viewer's attention? Then ask yourself: Have you identified your audience, are you communicating Continue Reading
Fake Likes? Is it Really Safe to Advertise on Facebook?
Recently, we explored the underground world of online marketing in our post The Dark Side of Social media. We discovered that some businesses engage in illegitimate practices such as buying fake "likes" or followers to appear more popular. Recent Continue Reading
6 Ways to Dominate the Future of SEO and Search
Overwhelmed, stressed out, confused? Don't be alarmed, if you are attempting to navigate the world of SEO and social media, this probably means your on the right track! Anyone familiar with online marketing probably feels like Google finds pleasure Continue Reading
Recent Updates from Facebook: News Feed
Recently Facebook announced a change to the News Feed ranking for business pages. This is in an attempt to display more of what people enjoy, and to promote things in the News Feed that are more likely to receive audience engagement. Facebook Continue Reading
#Awful@Twitter? 3 Ways to Become an Expert
Recently Katie Lance of Katlie Lance Consulting held a webinar to discuss how to use Twitter for real estate. The webinar, "#Awful @Twitter, Please help me" covers the fundamentals like creating a profile, using hashtags and understanding Twitter Continue Reading
Recent Updates From Facebook
If you aren't confused enough with Facebook and its constant changes, here comes another one to throw you for a loop! Facebook will soon favor "high quality" articles over photo memes in the News Feed of mobile devices. These articles will be Continue Reading
XiLi Delivers Listing Information to Buyers Mobile Device
Let's face it-- people just don't want to wait anymore! We avoid lines, get annoyed in traffic, roll our eyes at the person driving 65 in the fast lane, and are thoroughly irritated if we wait longer than 3 minutes in a fast food restaurant! We are Continue Reading
3 Ways Yelp is Helping or Hurting Your Business
So, you're the best -- you know you're the best-- and you want EVERYONE ELSE to know you're the best! But nobody likes a person who always self-promotes, and most people who yell "I'm the expert" disqualify themselves from the very thing they claim Continue Reading