As a Realtor, I live and work in our local community and I strongly believe in giving back. One organization that does great work locally is Harmony Home . It is a tremendous organization that I am proud to be a part of through the Danville-Sycamore Rotary Club. Harmony Home supports the mentally disabled giving them a chance to live independent lives by offering practical assistance such as setting up their homes, helping them find jobs, transporting them to doctor’s appointments, helping them navigate through government sponsored assisted programs, etc. As the Community Chairperson for the Danville-Sycamore Rotary Club, I have worked with Harmony Home and Rotary to act quickly when a need is expressed in order to make a positive impact in the lives of these individuals. Recently Harmony Home was faced with the challenge of taking on a new “client” who was placed by her family in an apartment with virtually no furniture–nothing! So our Rotary Club, within 48 hours, pulled together and furnished a complete apartment for her, got her food, and got her on her feet! We are also building a storage facility for Harmony Home so when a “client” needs a bed, dresser, pots & pans, etc., Harmony Home will have some of these necessary items in storage to respond immediately to these future needs. It warms my heart to know that we are continuously making a difference. For more information on Harmony Home and how you might be able to help, please refer to their website:, or contact me at:
OFFICE: (925)217-5000
- Open House | 1761 Carmel Drive #105, Walnut Creek - March 11, 2015
- Beautiful Henry Ranch Estate for Sale! 6009 Westside Drive, San Ramon - September 24, 2014
- Coming Soon to Danville | 3694 Silver Oak Place - September 9, 2014
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