Blackhawk Realtor Jou Jou Chawla has handled 5 separate transactions for satisfied customer Lorraine Brady in this year alone. Most recently she listed and sold home 3166 Blackhawk Meadow Dr in Danville, CA. Lorraine was so happy with the outcome that she decided to write a review for her on Zillow. She gave Jou Jou an overall 5 star rating in local knowledge, process expertise, responsiveness and negotiation skills. Lorraine said the following about Jou Jou:
Joujou has negotiated 5 transactions both for purchase & for selling for our family this Year alone. We have also used her in the past. They were all done very professionally & we would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone.
For more information about Jou Jou Chawla, for any real estate questions, or to see homes for sale in Danville, CA contact:
Jou Jou Chawla:
(510) 406-4836
- JouJou Chawla: Blackhawk’s Best Realtor - February 22, 2016
- Khrista Jarvis: The San Ramon Valley’s Top Agent - February 19, 2016
- Nadr Essabhoy: Where Knowledge Counts - February 10, 2016
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